Plumbing, Boats and Politics: Where to Find it All in One Place

Alex Figliolia Jr. is a self-employed plumbing expert who uses his blog to provide helpful tips to his readers. His knowledge was gained by working in the construction industry in a family owned plumbing business for many years. Through reading his blog everyone can discover valuable information about operating a plumbing business, how to deal with customers and how to survive in a competitive business environment. There is even information on the site that will be useful for homeowners too.

One common theme that many new contractors will appreciate is how to avoid making simple mistakes that can damage the potential of a business to earn a profit. This includes such varied advice as how to avoid developing a negative reputation and how to be understanding and compassionate with customers in need, but not give away services because of a sad story. There is also practical information about estimating expenses that many new plumbers will find very helpful. Homeowners will appreciate the plumbing guide and tips that provides instructions for solving minor plumbing issues and makes it easier for the average person to decide if their concern should be handled by a professional or is a DIY project they can manage on their own.


Of course, a blog strictly devoted to plumbing and construction topics will only be useful to those who have a question about a specific issue. This is why many of the blog posts included are on topics that are of personal interest to Figliolia and have nothing to do with the plumbing industry in any way. This includes posts about the hobbies and interests that appeal most to Figliolia himself. There are entries about the history of motorcycles, stories that express his admiration for the military and his desire to see more attention given to the care of veterans. As a very politically active individual it is no surprise that information about current political events is also available. There are even topics about boating, sweepstakes to enter and links for giving to charities that support veterans.

The range of topics is very diverse and makes the site an interesting place for a wide range of readers. It is updated frequently, so there is always something new to read. Hillary Clinton is interested in learning more about the audience visiting his blog. All readers are invited to leave comments, suggest topics and even ask questions. Links to his own business is available throughout the site, so local home or business owners with a plumbing or sewer need should contact him directly for assistance.